A keyboard with yoga stickers and a mediation timer in one app!
Grow & Learn with KulaMoji.


Here’s how to use the KulaMoji keyboard
Select a KulaMoji
Once selected, tap the KulaMoji. It’s now copied.
Paste it
Tap into the message box to paste the KulaMoji.
Send it
Your message is eloquent thanks to a KulaMoji!

Frequently Asked Questions
Why can’t I insert the KulaMojis into text?
Unfortunately, some applications don’t allow insertion of images directly into text. If KulaMoji doesn’t work although you installed it right, simply re-install it.
Does the person to whom I‘m sending a sticker need to have the KulaMoji application, too?
No need for that.
What’s planned for the next version of KulaMoji?
You’ll be able to see the sanskrit name of every asana.
Do you release an application for Android as well?
We’d love to do that and hopefully within the next couple of months.
What does Allow Full Access mean?
The activation of “Allow full access” does not transmit any of your personal data to our servers. We consider your data privacy seriously. Therefore, we do not collect your data, nor will sell them to third parties.
However it is technically necessary to activate this option to fully use the keyboard. Indeed, to read the stickers, the KulaMoji keyboard requires to read its reserved storage space. This is the reason why this option has to be activated.
Could KulaMoji know what I type in the keyboard?
With keyboards having alphanumeric keys, a data theft is potentially possible. The KulaMoji keyboard, however, doesn’t have any alphanumeric keys: e.g., letters, numbers, etc. Therefore, it is totally impossible for us to capture these keystrokes. We are also not able to retrieve the data you have entered in an text field with another keyboard. The only thing we could know is which sticker you’ve selected. And even this, we do not capture.
Still got questions? Talk to us!
Don’t delay, get it today!
And enjoy a set of great KulaMojis and a meditation timer.'
*Currently only available on the Apple App Store.